Monday, April 3, 2017

Part 3: Force

"If God didn't want the leaves to be on the ground, he wouldn't have made them to fall from the tree"

Oh, God, where have we gone wrong? We are teaching that love wins, love conquers all.. and we have no idea what true love is.

Love is the force. Love is the movement. We can't tweak it or mold it to our liking. We have to merge with it. Anything other than following love is a departure from love. It is a whole different force and in contest with true love.

Do not force love.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Part 2 - Space

Freedom is expensive. The desire for freedom is.. all encompassing.

Most people want freedom from oppression, oppression which comes in as many forms as necessary. But at the root of the desire for freedom is what freedom really involves: the ability to live life as you see fit, without recourse.

America was started because a bunch of people wanted freedom. Braveheart's iconic line, "...they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!"

We seek the space to learn who we are. And experience who we are. And live who we are.

Space exceeds definition. Who we are exceeds definition. And how we want to live, we want to live it free of definition. Free from judgement and oppression. The freedom to express ourselves fully, without the requirement of getting it right the first time or having our actions be finite.

We are so trapped. Our 'freedoms' are cages. We crave true freedom.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Part 1: Non-constant

Context: modern America.

The desire for constants is.. hairy at best. Looking at the political side of America, most people want someone that is constant. Someone that doesn't have wishy-washy feelings about, potentially, important issues. Most people want someone that can back their position with years of documentation. If a public servant or representative has flippant tenancies, he or she is demonized as indecisive or even being bribed.

I am succumb to supposition.

Most people want fluidity, honestly. How mundane is monotony?
Just not in government.

But what about in relationships? Do we crave a solid, everlasting relationship with people? A never-changing status of positive or negative?

Humans are not meant to be static.

Our relationships are not meant to be static.

There are too many examples in nature that support fluidity, change, adaption, evolution, etc..
Is the concept of an anchor in reality simply a manifestation of fear and worry?

I admit to being fundamentally prone to anxiety. Its is, at times, physically debilitating.
And for what? Fear of losing control? Fear of not knowing what might happen in the future? Fear of taking risks, of failure?

Damn right.

Right or wrong, it is in my core to worry. And I seek to make this change.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Do not tell me what I can and can not do when I rock

I feel the need to clarify that the changes in my life don't reflect negatively on my previous two posts, at least, which dealt with the conception of my son, fathers day and getting married. I am more grateful than ever for my family, immediate and otherwise. My son means the world to me, and I am incredibly proud of him. My marriage is wonderful, I have an amazing woman as my wife.

I was listening tonight to the Bad Christian podcast featuring Michael Gungor. Something was said along the lines of how we should not censor ourselves in effort to seem like we have it all together (they speaking more from positions of leadership). If we are struggling or confused, why do we lose face if we admit, in honesty, the problems we are having? The truth shall set you free, the mask of what others expect you to uphold will enslave you.

_short post_ Placeholder for a changing time / Future of Me

It is nearing almost two years since a post, and I would like to change the expectation level. Much has changed in two years. I have debated, before now, sharing the thoughts and changes but decided not. I am working on solidifying my beliefs and understanding who I am, and may be sharing that journey.

Scheduled for 7AM publishing.

And probably lots of stuff you won't want to hear. And profanity.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fathers Day

Dad's are awesome. They know everything. They push us to be all that we can be. And they love us.

As we come upon Fathers Day 2013, I have the honor of experiencing the celebration at a more personal level than ever in my life. Heidi has been showing me illustrations of what our baby 'looks like' as we go. It now has legs, arms, eyes, ears, a nose; practically fully formed and growing larger daily. Her belly has been getting larger. It makes my sense of fatherhood take shape, preparing me for the responsibility of raising my child.

I have a tremendous respect for my father, as well as both of my grandfathers and father-in-law. I never fully understood how much influence they have had on me until lately. I find myself saying things like, "Dad would say.." or "I want to exhibit [positive quality] of my grandfather." For a man, a father is invaluable.

I'm forced to remember that while I have and have always had a father, whether I needed him or not, this country is plagued with the fatherless.

This is why you, men, must always be strong. You are always being watched, and are always a role model. The young men in your life need to learn the right way to grow strong and responsible, and you just might be their only influence.

In everything that you do, live righteously and with love.

Monday, June 25, 2012

_short post_ Marriage

I'm reminded of the scene in the Princess Bride where the old priest performs the controversial wedding for Buttercup and Humperdink. Thank God he didn't do my wedding.

I got married a couple weeks ago, June 8th. And I realize all the time that I got one heck of a good lady. She has been my best friend for several years now. We had an awesome small wedding, with amazing cake (someone even said it was the best wedding cake they had ever had), and the decorations were so cool. Most hand made, of course, by her mom and sisters. Hopefully you can see some Facebook pictures of the lights.

We took a trip to the mountains for the honeymoon. That was nice. :)

Now we spend time doing married people stuff, straightening the house and going to work. But there is something so special about starting the day with your best friend. Its so much better than being alone.